What Are Some Unexpected Ways Massage Therapy Can Improve Health?

Very few people will argue the fact that getting a massage, at its very core, just feels good.

The feeling of a trained massage therapist’s fingers stretching and kneading tired muscles is like no other for creating a satisfying, rested, and rejuvenated feeling.

How Can Regular Massage Therapy Be […]

Very few people will argue the fact that getting a massage, at its very core, just feels good.

The feeling of a trained massage therapist’s fingers stretching and kneading tired muscles is like no other for creating a satisfying, rested, and rejuvenated feeling.

How Can Regular Massage Therapy Be Helpful?

What many people do not know is that having massage therapy done regularly can improve certain conditions and help the body to heal itself.

Beyond that general feel-good response gained from a massage, massage therapy can be an instrumental healing agent for many chronic conditions.

  • Chronic and Acute Pain - There are many types of pain that can be temporarily eased through regular sessions with a trained massage therapist. From chronic issues like osteoarthritis, migraines, and back pain to more acute problems like the pain from an injury, massage loosens the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, it promotes the release of natural chemicals in the body that block pain sensation, and it gives the whole body a chance to heal without the discomfort of pain.
  • Cancer Treatment - Along similar lines, massage therapy can also help to alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with chemotherapy and other cancer treatments, which many find to be difficult to deal with. Healing may happen more easily when that pain and discomfort are resolved through regular visits with a trained oncology massage therapist.
  • Anxiety and Depression - By releasing oxytocin, one of the body’s most important “feel good” chemicals, massage can greatly reduce depression, helping sufferers with improved mental clarity. It can also lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and promote relaxation, all of which have been proven to reduce anxiety and positively benefit the conditions that can be affected by it.
  • Fibromyalgia - Regular massage performed by an experienced massage therapist is one of the best supplemental treatments that provide relief for the muscle and joint pain that can be associated with fibromyalgia. It helps the body relax, improves flexibility, reduces pain and tension, and stimulates the immune system, offering sufferers some relief that they may not get other ways.

Ready to See A Massage Therapist?

Massage therapy is great for sore, tired muscles, and to create a deep feeling of relaxation.

It is also the perfect, non-medicinal supplemental therapy to promote better health and greater comfort for more significant issues like pain, anxiety, and recovery from cancer treatments, too.

Anyone dealing with any of these issues should speak to an experienced massage therapist today and let them help them on their road to recovery!